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  Post 125.  June 27, 2022 continued . . . .

  Quantum Weirdness

Realism vs Realistic

A pertinent philosophical distinction is between Objective reality and Subjective ideality. Or in more technical terms : Phenomena (reality as we know it) and Noumena (ideal reality). Of course, we can only guess at the latter, based on models created from our sense impressions. We only sense the tiny part of Cosmos that is within the limited reach of our physical senses. But our rational minds have allowed us to expand the range of our knowledge of reality. So, we are now aware of an unseen realm, not of ghosts & fairies, but of waves of potential and particles of possibility. To a classical physicist such literal non-sense would sound fantastic. But we moderns now accept such fantasies, because our priests of physics can work miracles, by calling upon the powers of the underworld. I’m kidding, of course, but it’s literally true. For example, flash memory works its magic by producing particles that can pass through solid walls (Quantum Tunneling)⁴¹.

Therefore, Ball says “we need to know how that information becomes available to an experimenter”. He then explains that, “decoherence – entanglement with the environment – is the very process by which information passes from the quantum system to its environment”. Disentanglement from the holistic Oceanic quantum system releases the particle into the frag-mented Classical world system. That’s what we perceive as a transfer of information, from an unknown state to knowable by the physical senses. That is to say, a particle (electron or photon) transforms from Abstract & Potential & Non-local to Concrete & Actual & Local.  In terms of physics, “potential” is latent disembodied energy, and “actual” is active embodied energy. The practical information we know & use is always embodied in some material substrate. Yet, in its ideal state, information is incorporeal & immaterial. However, Materialists do not recognize such inert abstractions as having anything to do with Reality. Potential is just an idea, until it is realized.

But this would be to succumb to the habit of realist thinking . . . . to think of the object as having only potentialities, which the environment somehow filters and shapes into actualities”. However, the “collapse” or “decoherence” may not be a change in the real world, but a shift of perspective in the ideal realm of the Mind – an ah-ha! experience⁴². The whole world is everywhere, all-at-once. But, when we extract meaning in bits & bytes, we suddenly know one-thing, here & now. Thus, the integrated whole becomes dis-integrated & particular. Our perception of reality is not a live-action continuous movie, but more like a series of snap-shots, strung together in memory. When all those images are re-integrated into the stream of consciousness, though, we get an illusory sense of the whole. But that sensation is superficial – like a movie. We fill-in the blanks between shots with imaginary arrows pointing to the unseen bits of reality that were abstracted away. It’s not Realism, but merely Realistic⁴³.

                         Blog Post 125 continued  . . . .

41. Quantum Magic :
   Tunneling is when a sub-atomic particle appears on the opposite side of a barrier – against the odds. It’s not magic, but statistics. And it happens often enough to make a practical difference. So flash memory is designed to makes use of that mathe-matical information.

42. Conception Collapse :
  “interpretation of quantum physics, according to which the collapse (that is the transition from a "state of indetermination" between several possibilities, to the exclusive realization of only one possible outcome), is real and accomplished by the perception of the measure-ment result by a conscious, immaterial observer”

43. Realism vs Realistic :
   Philosophically, Realism assumes that humans have direct access to the real world. But Realistic implies that what we see & know is a mental model, a constructed representation of true Reality. Based on limited information, and personal biases, each person creates his own artistic impression of Reality.

Hyper-realistic art is an artificial immitation of Reality


Surrealistic Art is Realism with a twist

Out of Frame